Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Day Two 5-29-12

My second day didn't go as planned, but that's alright. I'm sure that's gonna happen more often than not on this trip. Decent hotel room with shitty neighbor...

My room at the Days Inn (that's Daze In, if yer in a fucked off Nic Cage film...

My room if I was having a hooker over for dinner.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Day One 5-28-12

Well here it is folks. My first day walking to Seattle. The pics and video tell the story. Enjoy!

Right before I left. Saying goodbye to my dog Rocky.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Change of Plans

I've decided not to backpack to Seattle. Instead, I'm gonna use a CART! 

This is the Booyah "Swivel" 3in1 Double Baby Bicycle Bike Trailer & Jogger Red
I wrote a review on amazon.com if you want more details on the cart. 

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Evening Thunderstorm May 15, 2012

Well there was finally something worth taking pictures of yesterday with my DSLR camera. A thunderstorm rolled through early in the evening, just as the sun was setting. I'm glad to see that I'm getting closer to being able to get the color saturation that I like, but I still have A LOT to learn. Especially with focus and composition. Although these are pretty colorful, they still don't "pop" like I would like them to. I could probably fool around with them in Photoshop, but I'm not really sure what to do or how to do it, or know when it's appropriate. Any suggestions, anyone? These were all taken on full manual, at ISO 200 between about f4 and f8, and the shutter speed was set around 1/80. And as usual, I flipped back and forth between various white balance settings and a couple of other things in the camera. I'm sure the lens I have is probably not ideal for landscape pics. It seems best suited for close up portraits and whatnot, but it's all I got for now. Enjoy!